
Type Definitions


  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
options Array.Object Array containing options objects with name and value keys.
selected Array.String <optional>
Index of selected option.


  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
filterRelation Array.Array <optional>
Grouping of parameter ids as arrays for parameters that are related and affected by the same filters.
parameterMatrix Object <optional>
Possibility to combine parameters into merged parameter. Key of object contains new identifier for combined parameter, value is array of two parameter id string of the original parameters
visibleFilters Array.String List of parameter identifiers which shall be added as filter.
boolParameter Array.String List of parameter identifiers of which the data is comprised of booleans.
maskParameter Object.<string, Object> Object with parameter identifier as key and Object as value. Each object contains values as key and Array of 2 value arrays. First element is name, second value is description.
choiceParameter Object.<String, ChoiceObject> Choice object description for choice parameters
dataSettings DataSettings Object contains 'uom' (unit of measurement) with a string as value which is added to the parameter identifier label when rendered.


  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
xAxis String Parameter id to be rendered on x axis.
xAxisLabel String <optional>
Label to be used for x axis instead of generated label based on selected parameter.
yAxis Array.String Array of parameter id strings of parameters to be rendered on y axis (left).
yAxisLabel Array.String <optional>
Array of labels to be used instead of generated label based on selected parameters.
y2Axis Array.String Array of parameter id strings of parameters to be rendered on second y axis (right).
y2AxisLabel Array.String <optional>
Array of labels to be used instead of generated label based on selected parameters.
combinedParameters Object
colorAxis Array.String Array of parameter id strings of parameters to be rendered used for third dimension as colorscale. If used number of array items must be equal to number of items in y and y2 axis combined. It is possible to use null if any of the selected parameters for y or y2 axis should not use a colorscale representation.
dataIdentifier Object <optional>
Contains key "parameter" with identifier string of parameter used to separate data into groups and key "identifiers" with array of strings with possible values in data array.
renderGroups Object <optional>
When using complex data with different sizes that still should be visualized together (in different plots) it is possible to use renderGroups object. The key is used as identifier and can be selected from a drop down for each plot. Only the parameters defined in the group will be used and accessible in the plot
sharedParameters Object <optional>
When using renderGroups it is necessary to define the common axis, the key is used as parameter name as value an array of all parameters from different groups that represent the same axis can be defined.
groups Array.String <optional>
When using renderGoups array (same size as yAxis) defines which group is used on each of the plots.
additionalXTicks Array.String <optional>
Array with parameter ids for additional labels that should be used for the x axis
additionalYTicks Array.String <optional>
Array with parameter ids for additional labels that should be used for the y axis
additionalY2Ticks Array.String <optional>
Array with parameter ids for additional labels that should be used for the second y axis
availableParameters Object <optional>
When using dataIdentifier an object with keys for each possible identifier and an array with parameter identifiers as stringslist of can be provided so that only those are shown as parameter labels that allow configuration
reversedYAxis Array.boolean <optional>
Array, same length as yAxis with boolean values for each plot if left y axis reversed or not (high values on bottom, low values on top)
reversedY2Axis Array.boolean <optional>
Array, same length as yAxis with boolean values for each plot if right y axis reversed or not


  • Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
symbol String <optional>
to use for rendering, can be dotType, rectangle, rectangle_empty, circle, circle_empty, plus, x, triangle, triangle_empty.
uom String <optional>
Unit of measurement to be added to label.
lineConnect boolean <optional>
Connect points with lines.
colorscale String <optional>
Colorscale used if parameter is selected to be rendered as colorscale
extent Array <optional>
Extent to use if parameter selected for visualization on any axis.
regression String <optional>
Enable calculation/visualization of regression specifying type. Possible values 'linear', polynomial'.
scaleType String <optional>
If parameter is used for grouping data scaleType can be set to 'ordinal'
categories Array <optional>
If ordinal scale used array of strings can be specified containing unique id strings of each group
scaleFormat String <optional>
If parameter is a time value set scaleFormat to 'time'.
timeFormat String <optional>
default Possible to change format to MJD2000 using value MJD2000_S.
displayName String <optional>
String to use for labels instead of parameter id.
periodic Object <optional>
Can be set when parameter has periodic pattern. The object must have the 'period' value and can have a possible offset. For example longitude values from -180 to 180 would have 360 as period and -180 as offset. Default offset value is 0.
nullValue Number <optional>
Value to be interpreted as null, used for colorscale extent calculation.
filterExtent Array <optional>
Minimum and Maximum value to be used in filter visualization


Has string as parameter identifier and corresponding parameter setting object.