Module: core/kvp


(inner) describeCoverageURL(url, coverageids, extraParams)

Returns a 'DescribeCoverage' request URL with parameters encoded as KVP.
Name Type Description
url the base URL of the service
coverageids Array | string either a single coverage ID or an array thereof
extraParams an object containing any extra (vendor specific) parameters which will be appended to the query string
the constructed request URL

(inner) getCapabilitiesURL(url, options, updatesequence, sections, extraParams)

Returns a 'GetCapabilities' request URL with parameters encoded as KVP.
Name Type Description
url the base URL of the service
options an object containing any the following optional parameters
updatesequence a string identifier
sections an array of strings for sections to be included, each one of "ServiceIdentification", "ServiceProvider", "OperationsMetadata" and "Contents".
extraParams an object containing any extra (vendor specific) parameters which will be appended to the query string
the constructed request URL

(inner) getCoverageURL(url, coverage, options, extraParams)

Returns a 'GetCoverage' request URL with parameters encoded as KVP.
Name Type Description
url the base URL of the service
coverage the ID of the coverage
options an object containing any the following optional parameters
Name Type Description
format the desired format of the returned coverage
bbox an array of four values in the following order: [minx, miny, maxx, maxy]
subsetX the subset of the X axis as an array in the following form: [minx, maxx]
subsetY the subset of the Y axis as an array in the following form: [minx, maxx]
subsetCRS the CRS definition in which the spatial subsets are expressed in
rangesubset an array of selected band names or indices
size an array of two size values limiting the size for both axes
sizeX the size of the X axis
sizeY the size of the Y axis
resolution an array of two resolution values specifying the resolution for both axes
resolutionX the resolution of the X axis
resolutionY the resolution of the Y axis
interpolation the interpolation method as advertised by the service
outputCRS the CRS definition in which the coverage shall be returned
multipart if set to true, the coverage will be returned with according XML metadata
extraParams an object containing any extra (vendor specific) parameters which will be appended to the query string
the constructed request URL